Download center Schmid Schrauben Hainfeld

Download center Schmid Schrauben Hainfeld

In our downloadcenter you can find various documents e.g. broshures, technical datasheets, certficates, DOP etc.

Available documents are ment for professional and personal use only and may not be modified or adjusted without prior agreement with Schmid Schrauben Hainfeld.

Some areas in our download center are restricted and need prior registration.

product catalog and item lists

In this area you can find our product catalog including all ean codes, artile codes and specifications of our products. Our products are available in various package sizes from commercial to consumer packing. We do also offer a specific stainless steel range.

pictures and graphics

In this area you can find important pictures and graphics of our products as well as our Schmid Schrauben logo

2D Data (DXF)

In order to get acces to our 2D file you need to register on our webpage.

click here to access the login area

Market Approvals

Schmid Schrauben Hainfeld is offering the most important market approvals for various regions worldwide. ICC-ES for the US Market, UKCA and of course the ETA for Europe. Schmid Schrauben offers the most important data, calculation basics as well as technical background. For use and download of this documents we kindly ask you for a one-time-registration.

In this area you can also find our new EPD.

click here to access the login area

request for calculation service

Here you can find the forms for our calculation service. Please always fill forms completely. We will support you with the calculation of your projects.


Our calculation software is available for free for our customers. To download the software we ask you for a one-time-registration.

click here to access the login area

user manuals

Our user manuals adivce how to use our products safe and correctly. Please read the manuals carefully before using our products.

screw manual

Our screw manual is available for free for our customers. To download the software we ask you for a one-time-registration.

click here to access the login area


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