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The Trade fair calendar lists all future trade fairs in which Schmid Schrauben will take part.

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Trade fair calendar

Our trade fair calendar contains all trade fairs and events Schmid Schrauben will take part in the future.

ICC-ES Evaluated

After extensive examinations and months loaded with work, Schmid Schrauben Hainfeld is now able to confirm that we received the official market approval for RAPID® screws for the US Market. With the cachet “ICC-ES Evaluated” Schmid Schrauben Hainfeld overcomes an important hurdle to sell Schmid Schrauben products in the North American Market and paves the way for future growth. Although Schmid Schrauben Hainfeld has been active in North America during the last years the missing ICC-ES

UK CA at Schmid Schrauben

With the Brexit many old structures have changed and new legal requirements have been implemented. One of these new requirements is the UK CA mark which refers to a mandatory declaration requirement for goods sold in the UK market. The UK CA mark is declaring that the marked product fullfills the requirements of the british legisalation and is replacing the CE mark in the UK market. The start of UK CA was defind with the 1.1.2021 but there is a transition periode till the end of 2024.

Photovoltaic at Schmid Schrauben

Industry and sustainability can work together. Our new photovoltaic system is an important step in this direction.

Schmid offers 13 new RAPID® Fullthread diameters

The continuing boom in wood construction also brings with it new demands from processors. For this reason, Schmid Schrauben Hainfeld has significantly expanded its portfolio and thus offers processors even more options in the daily use of the high-quality RAPID® fully threaded screws.

Challenges and Solutions

Increasing demand for goods, limited availability, this how we at Schmid Schrauben face the challenge.

New concept for DIY

After many successful years, it is time for Schmid Schrauben to revise the existing system and make it more modern. It goes without saying that important environmental aspects should not be missing in this realignment. Our goal is to offer sustainable solutions that will be in tune with the times in a few years.

New production engines for Schmid Schrauben

Schmid Schrauben Hainfeld continues to invest in the future of the site. In the second half of 2020, two new production machines found a new home in the halls of Schmid Schrauben. The two machines are a RWT-30 roller mill and an EWMENN profile and flat rolling machine. Both machines produce screws from a diameter of 6 mm and will form a significant part of the Schmid portfolio in the coming years. We see an extremely high demand especially in the 8 mm - 12 mm screw range due to the strong

3D Print at Schmid Schrauben

3D printing is on everyone’s lips, and it has even found its way into our living rooms in some small form. In the industrial sector, the solutions are now very sophisticated and the possibilities in terms of production and materials are many and varied. With the new 3D printers, Schmid Schrauben offers additional possibilities for its customers and thus broadens its portfolio of manufacturing options. 3D printing is suitable for the following areas:     Small series    Large series of

Technical screw manual

More than 175 years of knowledge about complex and challenging timber connection solutions are included in this manual. The manual has been written by Di Dr. Markus Wallner-Novak in cooperation with DI Dr. Johann Scheibenreiter and serves as a tool of 130 pages specific knowledge in fastening technology. The manual consists of structural principles as well as other topics about the load behaviour of axial tension and compression loaded screws as well as lateral loadings. The manual also shows


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